Project Overview

Joseph Sabol, PhD

Chemical Consultant

Chemical research and business development services.

Portfolio includes semiconductors, metals and oxides, polymers, adhesives, solvents, acids/bases, contract R&D, chemical analysis, market research, regulatory guidance for start-ups, small, and growing entities in the chemical and related sectors.

Analytical, physical, and environmental chemistry services, R&D chemical synthesis and analysis, physical properties, thermodynamics, corrosion/etching, metals/oxides, semiconductors, polymers and adhesives, pulp and paper, food and pharmaceutical processing, chemical hygiene and safety, and regulatory compliance.

If you do not understand the chemistry of your processes, you cannot improve your position. If you need help understanding your chemical systems, we can help you.

Confidential consulting services to the chemical and related sectors, educational and nonprofit organizations, and government agencies.

Are your molecules misbehaving?  

Joseph Sabol, Ph.D.  
Chemical Consultant
P. O. Box 85198
Racine, WI 53408-5198 USA
Providing chemical analysis and research and development services since 1999.


Polymer Automobile Parts - North America

North American manufacturer of automobile parts sought help on bending and forming polymeric parts via methods other than thermal heating. Sabol provided information on the electromagnetic absorption cross sections (including frequency and temperature dependence) and other relevant molecular physical properties, polymer blends, co-polymers, cross-linking, and additives. ASTM test specifications were cited.


3-D Printing Materials - Asia

Asian investor sought information about 2-D and/or 3-D advanced printing materials and specialty chemical technologies open and available for license, joint development, and/or investment. Sabol provided information on UV curable materials, high-performance ceramics, metal oxides and semiconductors, and multi-element/layer thin films.


Spot Test Paper - Asia

Asian company desired entry into the aqueous ion spot-test market and sought help on the chemistry of dyes and suitable substances that would change color when exposed to the species of interest. Sabol provided information on the chemistry of ion-selective dyes, technology by which these dyes could be incorporated on to the surface of paper and other substrates, and papermaking and finishing into a marketable product.


Consumer Products - North America

North American manufacturer of foods and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals sought help during of licencing a novel veterinary formulation (compounded from amino acids) to a multi-national consumer products company (potentially for human applications.) Sabol reviewed the record, developed marketing materials, and prepared and lead presentation for the licencee and agent.


Biochemicals - Europe

European manufacturer of specialty biochemical products sought help during setting up a United States warehouse and distribution/shipping facility. Sabol assisted with state and local regulatory compliance (including creating an LLC, tax collection, zoning, emergency management, waste disposal, shipping.)


Silicon Purification - North America

North American manufacturer of semiconductor processing technology (purification of silicon for downstream semiconductor wafers) sought help on the rate at which metal coatings would be corroded when exposed to chlorosilane gas mixtures at 350 degrees Celsius. Sabol provided thermodynamic information on estimation of free energy of reaction ΔG for various systems, identified a European laboratory to perform physical testing (to confirm corrosion/passivation predictions), and interpreted the test results.


Semiconductor Capital Equipment - North America

North American manufacturer of capital equipment used in semiconductor wafer fabrication sought help on cleaning wafers during photoresist and etching. Sabol modeled the clean and etch bath (mixture of HF/NH3/HCl/H2O) chemistries with rigorous simultaneous equilibrium analysis (nine independent aqueous species, including activity coefficients.) Sabol also provided insight on the temperature dependence, application of Pourbaix diagrams, and use of non-aqueous solvent systems for wafer cleaning and etching. See, Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society (Cleaning Technology in Semiconductor Device Manufacturing VII) PV 2001-26, 164 (2001). Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society


Metal Processing - North America

North American manufacturer of stainless steel products sought help on understanding the chemistry of mixtures of concentrated sulfuric and chromic acids, pH < −2. Sabol modeled the system with simultaneous equilibrium analysis (nine independent aqueous species, including activity coefficients) and recommended adjustment of acid input and waste output streams to produce more consistent metal product and technology for process monitoring. Also, installation of an acetylene flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer and operator training.


Cleaning Products - North America

North American manufacturer of cleaning products sought help on additives that would appear “invisible” to the naked eye, but that would leave a residue after a cleaning application and appear when exposed to light outside the visible spectrum (400-700 nm). Sabol provided information on dyes and dye photophysics, solubility, sourcing, and other relevant information in developing a cleaning product formulation.


ResearchGate Profie

ResearchGate Profile/Joseph-Sabol


Joseph Sabol, Ph.D.  
Chemical Consultant
P.O.Box 85198
Racine, WI 53408-5198 USA
Providing chemical analysis and research and development services since 1999.


Project Detail

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Recent Portfolio

See all our works that we do for our clients

Good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) requires adequate air exchange, MERV 13 filters, monitor of temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide CO2, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde (H2CO), particulates PM2.5, and radon.

Local wastewater monitoring is useful in the detection of viruses and other substances of concern in public health. See, e.g., COVID-19: Wisconsin Wastewater Monitoring Program In November 2023, the Wisconsin Wastewater Monitoring Program updated its method of calculating concentration categories.

Are you concerned about climate change? Be aware of contrarian claims. See, e.g.,

SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is an airborne vector and MERV 13 filters and masks can slow spreading of aerosols.

Avoid poorly ventilated indoor areas, wear a mask when around others, and observe public health regulations. Practice prudent public health and hygiene.

Vaccines provide defense mechanisms if you become infected.

#BeWell #PutYourOwnOxygenMaskOnFirst

For more information, see:


ACS [ ] Spring 2025 in San Diego, March 23-27 CINF Trusted Scientific Information for Public Policy Reliable information is crucial for effective public policy discussion and decision-making. Policymakers need accurate, transparent, and trustworthy information to make good decisions and allocate resources that effectively address societal issues. Public trust and accountability are enhanced when evidence is used, not assumptions, bias, or speculation. Problem identification and framing can define issues and avoid or mitigate unintended consequences. When all stakeholders have access to the same reliable information and a voice in the discussion, the results are easier accepted by all. This symposium has speakers who will share their best practices in providing reliable information to the public.


ACS [ ] Fall 2024 in Denver, August 18-22

Division of Chemical Information (CINF)

Elevating the Discussion around Scientific Information

Information flows to us via many channels. Misleading information is more than an inconvenience, it can create chaos and delay or prevent decisions in areas such as public health, environmental action, and the market. Society action taken without regard for reliable information is undesirable. Assessing the quality of scientific literature is an art, a skill that not every member of society is capable of performing. Mis- and dis-information, claims not supported by evidence, can spread like wildfire; if unchallenged, societal polarization can increase and confidence in public institutions can erode. What are the best practices that we can share, to help society understand and resolve complex social and technical issues? This session brings elements of information theory, education, libraries, behavioral science, artificial intelligence, and public policy as tools to address misleading information.


ACS [ ] Fall 2024 in Denver, August 18-22

Division of Energy & Fuels (ENFL)

Elevating the Discussion around Methane

The current global market value of methane (natural gas) is $105 billion and is projected to grow at least 5% per year. Methane is second in terms of contribution to the greenhouse gas inventory, between carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, and accounting for about 30% of the global warming since the industrial revolution; the atmospheric concentration of methane is increasing faster than at any time since record keeping began in the 1980s. Methane’s savior is its mean atmospheric lifetime of about ten years, providing a near-term opportunity to mitigate its atmospheric concentration, the imbalance between natural sources and sinks. This symposium includes methane sources and sinks, measurement, control, and use technology, climate modeling, regulatory impacts, and market supply and demand.
